Money Morning: Interview with Jim Rogers

The Contrary Investing Report

Investing and Trading News, with a Contrarian, Sarcastic Twist!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, relief at last – that’s me, pissing away the last of my 2008 gains. Glad we got that out of the way. Tuesday I was feeling really smart, and bought a mini-silver contract at the bargain price of $15. Unfortunately nobody told me that the bargains were going to get even better! I sold […]

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Took some more cash out this week to pay a credit card, and also pump some more cash into our startup. Well, my hopes/dreams for ’08 being a banner year I think are officially in the tank. Earlier in the year, I was hoping I could keep running up the account, and essentially use it […]

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Will post some thoughts later in the week on the positions… Open Positions Date Position Qty Month/Yr Contract Entry Price Last Price Profit/Loss 07/23/08 Long 1 SEP 08 Australian Dlr 0.9567 0.9280 ($2,870.00) 06/17/08 Long 1 DEC 08 Cotton 82.20 70.72 ($5,740.00) 07/30/08 Long 1 FEB 09 Live Cattle 108.850 110.225 $550.00 08/01/08 Long 1 […]

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Kevin Kerr gives CNBC his thoughts on the oil market. Kevin makes a great point – demand destruction is overblown, as it took $140 oil for to trigger a measly 2.5% drop in US demand. A drop in the global bucket, he says. He sees oil back up towards $150 by years end. I agree […]

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