7 Wild REIT Yields (up to 15%!) for 2025

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Need more dividend yield in 2025? Consider real estate investment trusts (REITs), which were literally mandated to be dividend-paying machines. Income is the point—by law.

Select REITs even yield 10% or more. What a payout! We’ll discuss seven of them—and their prospects for 2025—in a moment.

Now we can’t just blindly pick any ol’ a REIT. The real estate sector—using the Real Estate Select Sector SPDR (XLRE) as a proxy—only pays 3% right now.

But the average yield among this REIT 7-pack is 12.4%. That’s 4x what the sector pays!

That level of income would easily allow us to retire on dividends alone.… Read more

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Hey kid, want some candy?

Don’t worry about the wrapper. It, um, came like that.

No? No candy for you? You’re sure?

OK fine. Maybe you’re not hungry, but how about this 31% dividend?

Don’t worry. The stock made its last dividend payment of $0.27 just fine.

No? No 31% yield for you? You’re sure?

OK fine. And, honestly, smart move. I would imagine that January dividend payment is the last one we ever see from First Republic Bank (FRC).

Fundamentally, FRC (and other banks, for this matter) are flawed, perhaps fatally so. They are not paying competitive rates.… Read more

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Sell ‘em if you got ‘em.

And c’mon, we all have ‘em.

Let’s think back a few months. Which stocks are we still holding now that we wish we had sold then?

I’m talking about the dividend dogs that, if we’re being honest, are not deserving of long-term positions in our retirement portfolios.

These mutts have had a fun summer—good for them (and us). Now let’s find them a nice home in another portfolio.

Why the deadline? September swoons are common. The Wall Street guys return from their Hampton homes and sell everything that rallied in August.

The summer rally (recently ended?)… Read more

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One of the best characteristics about dividends is they usually offer a consistent, preferably growing stream of income. However, investors can easily fall into the trap of becoming complacent that future payments will continue to flow in, even when the business isn’t generating enough cash to fund the dividend.

The higher the yield being offered generally means the riskier the dividend is and sometimes losses can outweigh the expected income. For example, Dynagas LNG Partners (DLNG) cut its 16% yield back in April and shares are down 25% since.

With government bonds paying around 2% to 3%, dividends above 10% need to be scrutinized closely and I’ve identified two that are in danger of disappearing.…
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