7 Wild REIT Yields (up to 15%!) for 2025

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Need more dividend yield in 2025? Consider real estate investment trusts (REITs), which were literally mandated to be dividend-paying machines. Income is the point—by law.

Select REITs even yield 10% or more. What a payout! We’ll discuss seven of them—and their prospects for 2025—in a moment.

Now we can’t just blindly pick any ol’ a REIT. The real estate sector—using the Real Estate Select Sector SPDR (XLRE) as a proxy—only pays 3% right now.

But the average yield among this REIT 7-pack is 12.4%. That’s 4x what the sector pays!

That level of income would easily allow us to retire on dividends alone.… Read more

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Small dividend stocks are dirt cheap right now. I’m talking about stocks trading for less than one year’s worth of sales. Yields up to 14.7%. And single-digit P/E ratios.

Why such deals? Well, because they’ve been pummeled into bargain territory of late. A number of high-yield bargains are staring us right in the face.

Small firms, straight up, are the cheapest stocks on the planet right now:

Value is great but show us the money! We’ll do so with five small-caps averaging a stellar 12% in yield among them. Are these deals or are these equities cheap for a reason?… Read more

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Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are retirement makers right now. Many are paying dividends that are three or even four times the market average.

Plus, these landlords are cheap. They are trading at multiples of cash flow that make them bargains compared with the S&P 500.

Why are these deals available? Rising rates.

In the near term, higher rates mean higher costs of capital for REITs, and more competition for income (as bond yields rise, too). That has knocked real estate stocks down—which is great news for us dividend investors, because it means they pay more.

Today, we’re going to look at a surprising three-pack of REITs that yield 3x to 4x the broader stock market and are outrunning not just the sector over the past few months, but the much better-performing S&P 500.… Read more

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The surest, safest way to double our money in the stock market is to buy the dividends that are growing the fastest.

It doesn’t matter if the broader market is heading up, down or sideways. Over time, stock prices eventually follow their dividends. Show me a growing payout, and I’ll show you a stock price that has serious upside.

Looking beyond current yields for future dividends is a simple yet powerful concept. I know that you already appreciate stocks that pay. It’s why we get along so well.

We can also apply our favorite fundamental attribute—a company’s willingness and ability to put cash in our pocket—to find the safest growth stocks in the market.… Read more

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Lockdowns have been tough on real estate investment trusts (REITs). When April 1 hit, the rent stopped getting paid across the world. That’s of course bad for landlords and, in turn, REITs and their investors.

Now it hasn’t been all bad since then. Sure, old school retail and shopping malls are done—but we knew that already.

Check this out—it’s the rent collected by the REIT sector for April, May and June. All of our newly completed “shutdown” and “re-opening” and “just kidding, we’re closing again” months. Would you believe that apartment landlords collected 97.5% of their typical rents in June?

(Source: Nareit)

Yes you read that right.… Read more

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Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are great potential fits for any modern retirement portfolio. With interest rates ticking down from 2% to 1% and, perhaps, eventually 0%, these generous dividend payers are benefitting big time.

REIT stocks tend to yield twice as much as regular ol’ stocks. They collect rent and pay it directly to their investors as dividends. This “capital light” approach gives them cash cow status. It’s a big reason why REITs outperform the broader market over any length of time.

So should we just buy the biggest, most successful REITs and enjoy their dividends and the growth of their payouts.… Read more

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“Jenny, I can imagine. My wife makes fun of me when I ice my knees after basketball games,” I confided to my friend and favorite bartender.

Her husband, no “young chicken” anymore either she joked, was sore from his own martial arts contest. She bought him a CBD “bath bomb” to help with the aches of being active and middle-aged.

Always the sucker for natural remedies and bartender wisdom, I teed up an Amazon selection for pain and inflammation. Just 26 hours later, I was massaging hemp, turmeric and MSM into my patella tendon (about an hour before tipoff):

BO’s Anti-Inflammatory Pick

“You’re a terrible scientist,” my wife reprimanded me after I bragged about my patella’s comeback in my postgame recap.… Read more

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