15 Huge Dividends (7.6%+) That Are “Too Good to Be True”

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With stocks back in “climb” mode (at least for now!), it could seem like a good time to look for a hedge against the next downturn.

If you’re looking for hedges that also pay big dividends, you might be considering resource funds—especially those in oil and gas, or maybe even gold.

Today I’m going to show you why you should resist this strategy, or at least be very careful about it. Closed-end funds (CEFs), which yield 8.3% on average today, are my beat at my CEF Insider service, so I’ll use CEFs (which we love, especially outside the resource space!)… Read more

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Nearly two years ago, our Contrarian Income Report service picked up cheap oil dividends that, at the time, yielded nearly 11.8%. With oil trading at negative prices (meaning producers were paying people to take barrels off of their hands), our purchase didn’t feel warm and fuzzy. But then again, most successful contrarian trades don’t.

We recognized that oil prices were likely in the midst of a “Crash ‘n’ Rally” pattern. This is an oil-price phenomenon that has played out several times before.

We discussed this back in 2021:

Energy prices tend to “crash ’n’ rally.” The crash is quick, while the ensuing rally lasts for years.Read more

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If these whipsawing oil markets are making you dizzy, you’re far from alone.

But this isn’t the time for worry—it’s time to tap oil’s woes for 7%+ dividends and upside!

And, as you’ve probably guessed, I’ve got the perfect funds all lined up for you—3 of them, to be precise. One of these contrarian buys yields 10.4%! And each of these 3 expertly run bargains also gives you some much-needed downside protection, too.

But before we get to them, let’s talk about what’s actually going on with crude these days.

You probably noticed that oil was on a roll from the middle of 2017 until a few weeks ago, when it plunged back to earth.… Read more

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What a year it’s been for oil!

Oil Takes Off

With a 43.5% climb in just a year, oil prices have blown by several technical levels to breach $70, and $80 is on the table by the end of the year.

This is the highest price since 2014, and it’s a very good sign for stocks—which is why you should consider buying 2 funds paying massive dividends and boasting top-notch energy-sector exposure.

(And if you prefer to invest in oil through individual stocks, rather than funds, check out this recent article by my colleague David Peltier.)

Before I show you my 2 energy funds, though, let’s talk a bit about what isn’t happening with oil.…
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If you’ve filled up your car lately, I don’t have to tell you that oil prices have come back to life after years in the doldrums.

So today I’m going to give you 3 terrific funds that let you take back the power. Each one pays 6.5%+ dividends and is set to pack big price gains as oil resumes its rise (and it will).

An Income Gusher Where No One Bothers to Look

It’s rare to hear the words “oil” and “6.5%+ dividends” in the same sentence. The truth is, many energy stocks don’t give investors an income stream, while a lot of energy funds are fundamentally flawed.…
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Today I’m going to take you inside the most disrespected, criticized, lambasted and just plain ignored investments on the market today.

Why would I do that?

Simple. Because if you’re not as rich as you’d like to be, these unloved income plays are the perfect way to get you there.

I’m talking about closed-end funds (CEFs), a group of investments that, with a bit of effort (which I’m happy to put in for you) can hand you big, fast upside, safe cash dividends of 8% and higher—or both.

So why do so many investors see CEFs as perennial money losers?…
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