5 “Invisible” Dividends Up To 16% That Most Screens Miss

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“Special” dividends fly right under Wall Street’s radar. Which is great for contrarian income seekers like us. These payouts aren’t officially “counted” by most mainstream websites!

It’s a big accounting error in our favor because these dividends can really add up. Today we’ll discuss five special dividend payers with yields up to 16%.

Most websites won’t report 16%, of course. For whatever reason, they just can’t compute specials!

Special dividends are technically considered one-time payouts. So, vanilla websites assume they won’t happen again, and thus leave them out of their yield calculations.

But there’s more than one kind of special dividend.… Read more

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Stocks are up—and so are coronavirus cases. And right on cue, I’m hearing from plenty of investors asking if now is the time to sell and lock in their gains.

No way. It’s actually a good time for us contrarians to buy. Here are five reasons why I see stocks rallying into the end of the year—and rolling higher still as we move into 2021.

Market Driver No. 1: Rising House Prices 

When house prices rise, homeowners feel wealthier. And when people feel wealthier, they tend to buy stocks.

It’s true that big-city properties are struggling to hold their own, but homes in the suburbs and rural areas are appreciating at a rate we haven’t seen in years.… Read more

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Even with the S&P 500 back on the rise, we still have a shot at serious upside. And we’ll double up our dividends in short order, too. We’ll do it by snagging some of the fastest-growing payouts on the planet.

That’s not all—we’ll also buffer our payouts against the next crash by stocking up on companies with “fortress” balance sheets, specifically firms whose cash holdings dwarf their debt. Dividend-payers like these—I’ve got four examples for you below—will (eventually) dole out their cash to us in three ways:

  • Investing in the business,through R&D spending and capital expenditures, fueling their earnings per share (EPS) and, by extension, their share prices.

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The credit card business naturally lends itself to good investor returns over most time periods.  But we can bank 50% to 100% gains per year by purchasing when dividend growth is high but a stock is cheap due to headline worries.

And today, we have the perfect news story to set us up for 51% profits over the next twelve months. After a decade of runaway gains, there is actually but one cheap credit card stock to buy for income and upside. And it’s not one of these popular horses:

Plastic Always Pays (Investors): 223% to 770% Returns

The “Big 5” enjoyed total returns up to 770% over the last decade thanks to incredible dividend growth in recent years:

Nothing Plastic About These Payout Curves

Investors have caught on to the fact that Visa (V) and Mastercard (MA) – which returned 770% and 758% over the last decade, and increased their dividends more than ten-fold – are excellent businesses.…
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When a clock is broken, it’s right twice a day. But when a permabear warns a stock market crash is coming “any day now,” how many times can they be right?

Well, if you’ve been waiting for a crash since the last one, you’ve been waiting for almost a decade. And that just empowers the bears to say it’s inevitable—it’s been so long since the last crash, surely another one is coming soon, right?


Here are three reasons why the stock market is set to keep going up.

1) Earnings Growth Is Strong

In the first quarter, analysts predicted 9% earnings growth for S&P 500 companies, and that helped the benchmark SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) and Vanguard 500 Index Fund (VOO) rise over 8% in the first half of 2017.…
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