Money Morning: 3 Ways to Profit From Record Meat/Dairy Prices

The Contrary Investing Report

Investing and Trading News, with a Contrarian, Sarcastic Twist!

Farmers continue to shift acreage to corn and soybeans. One industry executive estimates cotton would need to top $1/pound for it to be cost competitive with corn and soybeans. So we can do the math – either cotton is going higher, or corn and soybeans are heading lower, but something has to give.

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A nice little week – good to be back in the win column. Things cooled off later in the week for me, mostly as wheat plummeted in late trading hours Friday morning. However cattle ended the week very strong, which was great to see. My new policy of watching the charts, rather than my account, […]

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Video Link My notes: He is VERY concerned with the current levels of inflation. This is striking, as you rarely hear Warren Buffett mention inflation. If he were in Bernanke’s shoes, he would “offer his own resignation”. Still believes the dollar will weaken further over time – mentioned lack of Congressional discipline. Oil price is […]

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Nice article here by Kevin Kerr on the basics of the meat markets and trading meat futures. Everything sure is setup for higher meat prices. I think this is a temporary breather this week, as the live cattle charts were going parabolic for the last couple of weeks. I have not checked my account since […]

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Hallelujah for our forward looking government leaders, now on the lookout to protect us innocent civilians from those evil speculators who lurk in the night. What fools we were for believing that supply and demand, government mandates for corn based ethanol, and a national policy to turn the US dollar into toilet paper have been […]

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