Dollar Going to Hell – Moved My Wife’s 401K to Gold

The Contrary Investing Report

Investing and Trading News, with a Contrarian, Sarcastic Twist!

Up until this Fannie/Freddie bailout fiasco, I was still a bit on the fence about gold and the dollar – thought that gold should continue to go up, dollar should continue to go down – but hated essentially selling the US short. And I kept rechecking my assumptions, trying to think of ways the US […]

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Tom Dyson writes in DailyWealth that he believes corn prices are set to drop sharply – and reiterates his favorite plays are live cattle. After thinking about corn a bit, I also now believe that there is more risk on the downside. Potential catalysts for sending corn lower are the impending bust of corn-based ethanol, […]

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Another tough one – got to put it in the past, though. Facts are, this system works great when futures are going up, and not so great when they are going sideways/down. And lately, I just haven’t been in the particular futures that are going up (oil looked nuts at $110 – who would have […]

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The DailyWealth team has been all over this story – record corn prices, which will soon produce record hog prices. Agree with the hypothesis 100%, but not sure if I completely agree with the way to play it. My plan is to keep an eye on those mid ’09 contracts…wish I had kept an eye […]

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Well not a great week – disappointed in cotton especially, and coffee to end the week. A few thoughts on the positions: Cotton FuturesCotton broke sharply to the downside, as I managed to pin the tail on the local top. However I believe the downside here is limited, so I’m planning to hang on for […]

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According to a recent NY Times article, at least 29 nations have recently curbed food exports. Take a wild guess what happens when nations curb exports of something – I’ll give you a hint, it’s not bearish for prices. Also this quote struck me in the article:“The main cause of rising rice prices is the […]

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