Peak Oil Reached in ’05

The Contrary Investing Report

Investing and Trading News, with a Contrarian, Sarcastic Twist!

As stocks continue to flounder, commodities continue to soar across the board. Platinum has set 7 record highs in the last 8 trading days. All wheat contracts also set all-time highs. No doubt this is a flat out bull market. But all bull markets have set backs, so we need to keep that in mind. […]

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Recent interview by our hero, Jim Rogers, on Resource Investor. Much of the same material we’ve talked about here before, but I tried to read anything by Jim Rogers I can find. He reiterated his best investment ideas for right now: agriculture Chinese renminbi Swiss franc Japanese yen short Investment Banks I have been reading […]

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Real quick, as I am on my way out to start drinking beer…and I’m not sure anyone who reads this blog would be the gambling type. Yeah right – ha! Last I saw, it was Pats -12. The line opened a couple of weeks back a point or two higher. From what I’ve been reading, […]

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