Chuck Butler on the Swiss Franc

The Contrary Investing Report

Investing and Trading News, with a Contrarian, Sarcastic Twist!

Chuck Butler on the Swiss Franc and potential end of the carry trade, from his must-read currency newsletter, the Daily Pfennig: Swiss inflation is really putting the pressure on the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to raise interest rates… Inflation in Switzerland accelerated faster than expected in March. In fact, it was the fastest monthly pace […]

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From Agora’s 5 Minute Forecast: “This cold, wet start to April,” explains Kevin Kerr, “means farmers may not get corn into the ground before May 1. That is devastating. If cold, wet weather persists in the Corn Belt and farmers don’t plant until after May 1 and then, as in ’83, we see dry weather […]

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Frank (Holmes) expects copper – which has gained 400% in the past five years and now sells for $3.75 per pound – to hit $8 to $10 in the coming years. Frank is the CEO and chief investment officer of publicly traded U.S. Global Investors, one of the top commodity fund managers in the world. […]

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3/31 Editor’s note – Click here for coverage on the latest USDA Planting Intentions Report.   Report looks to be bullish for corn, bearish for what and beans. Full article from Farm Futures. And the markets are trading accordingly. I just picked up a May corn contract at 576 – like the report, and overall […]

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Open Positions Date Position Qty Month/Yr Contract Strike Call/Put Entry Price Last Price Profit/Loss 03/24/08 Long 1 MAY 08 Cotton 71.87 71.70 ($85.00) 03/13/08 Long 1 JUN 08 Japanese Yen 0.9992 1.0100 $1,350.00 03/12/08 Long 1 MAY 08 Rough Rice 18.980 19.675 $1,390.00 03/13/08 Long 1 MAY 08 Rough Rice 19.500 19.675 $350.00 03/25/08 Long […]

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