Buffett Expects Weak Dollar to Continue

The Contrary Investing Report

Investing and Trading News, with a Contrarian, Sarcastic Twist!

From Agora’s 5 Min Forecast – Kerr sees corn north of $7 in ’08. I know, yet another post about plantings behind schedule. Also worth noting – as long as I’ve been following Kerr (~3 years), his calls on corn prices have been spot-on. Corn futures, on the other hand, are still on the rise. […]

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Open Positions Date Position Qty Month/Yr Contract Strike Call/Put Entry Price Last Price Profit/Loss 04/15/08 Long 2 JUL 08 Corn 605 589 ($1,600.00) 04/17/08 Long 1 JUL 08 Cocoa 2735 2777 $420.00 04/15/08 Long 3 JUL 08 Rough Rice 21.745 24.180 $14,610.00 04/15/08 Long 1 JUL 08 Sugar #11 13.26 12.23 ($1,153.60) Net Profit/Loss On […]

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