2 Good, 2 Bad PIMCO CEFs Paying Up to 13.9%

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PIMCO recently cut the dividends of two of its popular closed-end funds (CEFs). Shareholders took a bath and, honestly, none of this was a surprise to us careful contrarians.

The payout cuts themselves were not the reason for the bludgeoning. PIMCO Strategic Income Fund (RCS) reduced by 22% but still yields 7.4%. PCM Fund (PCM) cut by 20% yet it pays 11.5% post-chop.

Yet shareholders down 13% and 12% respectively in the past month are now searching for meaning in their empty dividend lives. Fast double-digit losses are obviously not what these income-hopeful investors signed up for.

Alas, hope is never a good strategy and those that were burned obviously did not research these paper payout tigers in Contrarian Outlook.… Read more

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This levitating stock market has brought back worries about a crash (and a recession). I know, I know. We’ve been hearing that doomsday forecast for what feels like forever—and nothing of the sort has come to pass.

But a recession will eventually show up. We just don’t know when. In the meantime, stocks could keep drifting higher.

We do not want to miss out on that. But we do want to pay special attention to assets beyond stocks now (and minimize the amount we have sitting in cash, by the way, which is getting eaten up by still-hot inflation).

This is where corporate bonds (many of which are oversold) enter the scene, particularly bond-focused closed-end funds (CEFs), many of which yield well over 8%.… Read more

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Today we’re going to dive into a three-fund portfolio that throws off a massive 9.7% dividend yield and that payout is backstopped by stocks everyone knows well.

With a dividend like this, $500k invested gets you more than $4,000 in monthly income!

Big Income from the Big Three

While you might be suspicious of a 9.7% yield (and rightly so!), these three funds are solid. Their combined holdings are built on large caps like Amazon.com (AMZN), Visa (V) and Microsoft (MSFT). 

They then add in fast-growing tech plays like Bill.com Holdings (BILL), a maker of back-office software for small and medium-sized companies, which is up 500% over the last five years; and chipmaker Monolithic Power Systems (MPWR), which has gained 443% over the same period.… Read more

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Let’s shrug off today’s “dividend desert” and do something most folks think is impossible—ridiculous, even. We’re going to replace our monthly salary with a huge income stream from a group of closed-end funds (CEFs) that yield 7% or more (sometimes a lot more!).

The math here is simple: at a 7% dividend, you’ll have just shy of $3,000 ($2,917, to be precise) flowing into your account every month on a $500K investment. And yes, these dividends do flow your way monthly, right in line with your bills.

These CEFs have been paying these dividends for years, in some cases decades. And there are plenty of them, too: my CEF Insider service tracks 117 CEFs yielding over 7% and paying out every month.… Read more

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President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping have agreed to disagree. For now. Is this a big deal, little deal or no deal for our dividends?

The outcome wasn’t much of a surprise. Stocks have done their part by politely rallying. My real concern is the lack of dividend deals left on the big board.

The S&P 500 is up almost 18% year-to-date. Sure, stocks were due for a bounce heading into the year (as we discussed in late December.) But still, a relentless rally wipes out a lot of bargains.

Remember the sale on industrial cash cow Ingersoll Rand (IR)?… Read more

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Closed-end fund (CEF) investors are going crazy again. This time, they’re grossly overpaying.

Today we’ll discuss five incredibly popular funds that are not likely to become more celebrated, and should be sold immediately.

Yes, first-level income hounds can be as greedy as they are fearful. In January 2016, they wanted nothing to do with CEFs. Exactly when many funds were about to embark on an 18-month tear!

Yet today, they’re willing to pay $1.49 for just $1 in assets. This is a recipe to lose money. Or at best, see your portfolio trade sideways.

This Discount/Premium as Margin of Safety (or Lack Thereof)

CEFs, unlike their mutual fund cousins, have fixed share counts.…
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After months of grinding higher, stocks have taken a bit of a breather. And one obscure corner of the market went lower still.

I know I don’t have to tell you that when that happens, contrarians like us are set up for some nice gains, so long as we don’t let emotion cloud our judgment.

And there are indeed some nice gains on tap with 3 cheap funds I’ll tell you about shortly. They’re all closed-end funds, a special kind of investment that throws off eye-popping dividend yields (one of the 3 CEFs I’ll show you yields a hefty 9.3% now!).…
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My friend is a young 41-year old millionaire. And the poor guy is basically broke!

Meanwhile there’s a conservative yet savvy grandma in the Midwest raking in more monthly income than my boy, on a modest $387,000 in savings.

What’s her secret? We’ll get to that in a minute. First, let’s lament my man’s millionaire curse.

His stash of cash does him no good, other than giving him something to worry about. His million-dollar problem? He doesn’t know how to turn his green pile into a steady, sustainable income stream.

And since he believes in efficient markets, he has no interest in exploring investments that could pay him 7% or 8% annually – providing him with $75,000+ in yearly income while leaving his capital intact (or better than intact) to boot.…
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It’s a complaint I hear about closed-end funds all the time: they charge high fees but still underperform the market.

To be honest, this is true of some funds—but not all of them. In fact, some CEFs have racked up breathtaking returns far bigger than those of the market as a whole.

I’ve written about funds that have beaten the benchmark index before, such as the 14 funds that crush Vanguard’s passive funds while also offering superior dividend yields.

Then there are the actively managed Vanguard funds that beat Vanguard’s own passive funds and have done so for years. And of course, CEF Insider subscribers know of several closed-end funds that have beaten the S&P 500 for a decade or longer and are still outperforming.…
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The ideal “no withdrawal” retirement portfolio is a diversified one. Since you’re reading this, I know you know stocks. But how comfortable are you buying bonds – especially the more obscure issues (which provide the best yields and value?)

Probably not as comfortable as you are with good ol’ dividend paying stocks. But here’s the good news – it doesn’t matter.

You can diversify your portfolio, bank safe 9% yields and hire one of the best bond managers on the planet. For free, to boot! It just requires a bit of contrarian thinking – and knowing which publicly traded funds these guys are managing behind the scenes.

Pick the right fund, and you can actually enjoy total returns up to 35% per year. Here’s how. …
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