Trading With the Wave Principle – Free Video

Trading With the Wave Principle – Free Video

As regular readers know, I’m starting to get my feet wet with the Elliott Wave Principle…can’t yet say I’m a total believer yet, but I am definitely finding some value from the practice.

Here’s a free 5-minute primer video by Elliott Wave International’s Chief Commodity Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy, as he takes a look at wave theory as it applies to a chart of palladium.
Wave theory can make your head spin, but thus far I’ve found it very interesting to say the least. I especially am intrigued with how it’s inherent goal is to trade counter to popular sentiment.

The Versatility of The Wave Principle
In this classic Elliott Wave International educational video, Chief Commodity Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy demonstrates the versatility of The Wave Principle by showing you how to identify high-probability trade set-ups at-a-glance, and in any market. Watch the video and then find out how to access Jeff’s current high-probability commodity forecasts FREE during EWI’s FreeWeek – but only until July 22.

The Versatility of The Wave Principle

Get the best daily commodity picks FREE, but only until July 22!
