Kevin Kerr: Corn Crop in Trouble

Kevin Kerr: Corn Crop in Trouble

From Agora’s 5 Minute Forecast:

“This cold, wet start to April,” explains Kevin Kerr, “means farmers may not get corn into the ground before May 1. That is devastating. If cold, wet weather persists in the Corn Belt and farmers don’t plant until after May 1 and then, as in ’83, we see dry weather come in around June, well, then you can kiss this crop goodbye.”

Even if farmers managed to sow their crops, Kevin tells us that current yields based on planting intentions have no room for error… nothing less than a near perfect harvest will satisfy demand.

“A disaster would take only a nod from Mother Nature. Last year, Australia and China — maybe this year it’s our turn to get spanked. I have decided to head out to see some of my farmer friends in Minnesota and Iowa with my family in a couple weeks. I will keep you posted on how the fields look as I visit each of their farms.”
