Kerr Trading Blog

Kerr Trading Blog

Kevin Kerr recently started up a blog on his trading site. I’ve added a link here on the left.

Crappy day today, winding down on a crappy week. Corn has been getting absolutely whacked on the good weather reports – I’m still in the trade, with a stop down at 578.

Natural gas has been doing what nat gas does – bouncing all over the freaking map. The short term and long term trends are both up, but trading NG can really drive you nuts.

And the icing on the cake for me was a sudden drop in pork bellies – in a matter of minutes, it went from making new highs and pushing the 84 mark, to a quick cliff drop down to 80.50. We’ll continue to watch the meats closely – I believe they had turned the corner and are posed to breakout, but only time will tell.
