Coffee Grounds Make Good Biodiesel, Researchers Report

Coffee Grounds Make Good Biodiesel, Researchers Report

The Economist reports that researchers at the University of Nevada at Reno have found that coffee grounds can be turned into biodiesel that is comparable in quality to top biodiesel on the market today.

Because the biodiesel is made from grounds, no extra land has to be diverted in order to generate the inputs for this type of biodiesel. And if that wasn’t green enough for you – the grounds can even be composted after the biodiesel is extracted.

We’ve discussed before that the long term supply/demand picture for coffee points towards higher prices, and we’ll stay tuned to see if biodiesel is able to warp the coffee market that way it was able to send corn up to $8.  I know the process looks green on paper, but never say never, we may get some good crops diverted for biodiesel yet.
