Gold Rallies to 4 Month High Above $700

The Contrary Investing Report

Investing and Trading News, with a Contrarian, Sarcastic Twist!

From Agora’s 5 Min. Forecast: Gasoline supplies are at their lowest level since 1991. Measured in “days of gas available,” the Energy Department reported that, for the last week data were available, the U.S. has only a 20-day supply… the lowest since the first Iraq war. Yet despite these supply levels, gas prices remained at […]

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From Agora’s 5 Minute Update: Among other things, Kevin (Kerr) will be commenting in Milan on the fact that Russia — the world’s fifth largest wheat exporter — is considering banning the sale of wheat to foreign nations. Moscow officials are concerned about wheat’s skyrocketing price and its effect on the Russian consumer… especially on […]

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I feel like a broken record – but this is one helluva ride! Wheat futures crossed the 800 cents mark this morning.Chart There are ongoing harvest problems contributing to the situation. Remember that wheat inventories are already at a 26-year low, so there is no slack in the system. How high can prices go? Honestly […]

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Date Position Qty Month/Yr Contract Strike Call/Put Entry Price Last Price Profit/Loss Market Value 01/22/07 Long 1 DEC 08 Cotton 63.00 70.00 $3,500.00 04/16/07 Long 1 DEC 08 Cotton 64.50 70.00 $2,750.00 07/27/07 Long 1 DEC 07 Coffee ‘C’ 115.30 115.70 $150.00 06/19/07 Long 1 DEC 07 Coffee ‘C’ 120.50 115.70 ($1,800.00) 03/23/07 Long 1 […]

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Check out this 6-month chart: Though unfortunately I am not basking in the full glow of this rally, because I own next year’s contracts. Why are contracts lower for next year? I believe because record high prices will prompt farmers next spring to plant more wheat – which should bring more supply on the market […]

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