These 8% Dividends Are Cutting Fees (Now They Really Wallop ETFs)

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It’s finally happening: Management fees on our favorite 8%+ paying assets—closed-end funds (CEFs)—are falling. And some are sending their already soaring dividends even higher, too.

Those are key reasons to invest in these high-yield plays now. We’ll get into all the details below. But before we do, it’s important that we take a second to put CEF fees in perspective. That’s because many (most?) investors have a totally incorrect idea about them. And it’s caused them to miss out on the income (and growth) CEFs offer.

Ignore the Wall Street Line: CEF Fees Are Sometimes Worth Paying

When I ask investors if they’ve ever considered CEFs, those who say no often mention high fees as a reason.… Read more

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Infrastructure spending is back in vogue, and we’ve got a chance to grab a piece of it tax-free.

That would be through municipal bonds, investments most people see as sleepy (though I have no idea why) but are poised to roll as President Biden’s $2-trillion infrastructure package (or some version of it) becomes law. That’s because the law will usher in an explosion of new “muni” bonds—and there are select actively managed closed-end funds (CEFs) ready to pick up the best ones.

By buying them now, we can nicely front run this muni-bond wave.

Tax Savings Can Boost Your Payout 20% (or More)

The best part of buying muni bonds (which are issued by states, cities and some non-profit entities, like hospitals, to fund infrastructure) is that the income they generate is 100% tax-free.… Read more

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Municipal bonds are the perfect play for this trade-war obsessed market—they’re far more stable than your typical stock and they pay bigger dividends, too.

And today I’m going to show you how to tap the very best “munis” for a 4.3% average dividend yield.

That’s just the start.

One of the three “steady Eddie” buys I’ll show you below even pays an outsized 4.7% dividend. Plus, it trades at a discount to its “true” value, adding to its already legendary stability and setting us up for some nice gains, too.

Turning a 4% Yield Into 5.8%

Here’s something that’s often overlooked about muni bonds: their payouts are tax-free to most Americans.Read more

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