Why Coke Could Be the Next GE (and 1 Stock to Buy Instead)

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Let’s dive into the General Electric (GE) dividend massacre that sent the market reeling last week. When the dust settled, the payout took a 50% haircut, and the stock had plunged about 11%.

Before I go on, I should tell you that GE isn’t the only household name I’m worried about. Further on, I’ll show you another investor “sacred cow” that’s showing some eerily similar signs. Then we’ll look at an unloved pharma play that’s more than worth your attention now.

First, let’s pick through the GE wreckage and see what we can learn, and where the stock could go from here.…
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Let’s talk about the only “market timing” strategy that actually works in practice – buying a stock before it announces a dividend hike.

In a minute, I’ll show you seven stocks that are likely to announce generous hikes next time they talk to Wall Street. Their stock prices will then follow their payouts higher in the ensuing months.

This “undercover income strategy” is the closest thing to a sure thing you’ll find in the financial markets. Everyone loves the dividend, but investors usually don’t give enough love to the dividend hike. Not only do these raises increase the yield on your initial capital, but also they often are reflected in a price increase for the stock.…
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